Bes battle encoder shirase

SONIC 25/01/2018 в 23:09. еще могу посоветовать программку BES (Battle Encoder Shirase) если фризы в играх мучают. BES – Battle Encoder Shirasé 1.7.7 & 1.6.3 for Windows 7/XP/2000. Free software that controls per-process CPU usage: an “active” software CPU cooler. Usage. A typical sleep system call takes a time value as a parameter, specifying the minimum amount of time that the process is to sleep before resuming execution. A search over the net brings some programs that may help. They are all freeware. BES - Battle Encoder Shirase. BES is a small tool which limits the CPU usage for a specified process: for instance, you can limit the CPU usage of a process which would use CPU 100%, down to 50% (or any percentage you like). BES – Battle Encoder Shiras 1.7.7 1.6.3 for Windows 7/XP/2000. Free software that controls per-process CPU usage: an “active” software CPU cooler. cpu 점유율 낮추기 이번에 마비노기에서 낚시 이벤트가 열리면서 많은 사람들이 검은 가방을 얻기 위해 낚시를 하고 있습니다. SONIC 25/01/2018 в 23:09. еще могу посоветовать программку BES (Battle Encoder Shirase) если фризы в играх мучают. A search over the net brings some programs that may help. They are all freeware. BES - Battle Encoder Shirase. BES is a small tool which limits the CPU usage 秘書艦って何? 第1艦隊の旗艦の艦娘のことです。 艦隊が母港に帰ってきたことを報告したり、提督につつかれて困惑し.